HomeBorneoThe largest flower in the world


The largest flower in the world — 14 Comments

  1. What a fascinating flower. Isn’t it funny how often we feel let down when something we’re hoping to experience finally does? It is amazing that you saw one when you consider how few Americans have experienced that.

  2. WOW!!! That must have been amazing seeing this incredible flower in person. I have also been waiting to see these photos. Thanks so much for posting them. Great photos. Love the one of the little green fern.

  3. Ohmigosh, Marta!! That “largest flower in the world” is awesome! Your close ups of it are just amazing. As Leslie said, all the photos are a feast for the eyes. Thank you!

  4. Wow, those are amazing flowers. Who knew? Sorry you were disappointed, but that is a big flower! The inside looks like a big mushroom. (My mind goes straight to food.)

  5. Ann – thank you for your comments. We loved Borneo and especially Sarawak. We decided to visit Borneo mainly to see the interesting plants and wildlife. We also loved the people and diverse culture. We want to return again.

  6. Hi I saw that largest flower, Rafflesia arnoldii which was huge and around more or less 1 meter in its diameter. Then I had gone for Canopy Walk which was hypothetical to be a track walking path. Then the 2 different waterfalls. Bathe within the Japanese-fashion baths. I took a look at Butterfly Farm. Following url provides the information on “Things to see at Poring” http://www.expeditionasia.net/poring-malaysia.html

  7. Wow….great photos you have here. I just got back from Sabah 2 weeks ago but unfortunately, no Rafflesia blooms by the the time I was there. I will keep on going to Borneo until I can witness the Rafflesia with my own eyes. 🙂

    In the mean time, thanks for sharing all your pics. Great!

  8. Hi Marta – Absolutely great photography! It almost felt like I was looking at the Rafflesia flower itself in person! Thanks so much for posting this trip on your blog. Best Regards. JK

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