February 2009

We started our trip in Kota Kinabalu.  Our flight flew from Seattle to Kota Kinabalu via Seoul and we arrived around midnight.  We took a taxi to our hotel – King Park Hotel and tried to sleep a bit.  The next day we explored KK on foot visiting and went to dinner at the Filipino Night market for some wonderful BBQ King Prawns.

Our car was delivered to our hotel and we drove to Mesilau.  We used Google Earth to view the road and it was not too bad of a drive.  The hardest part was having to pass the slow heavy trucks on the two way road and the dogs that slept in the road in the small villages. We stopped at Orchid de Ville, an orchid grower along the way.

At the foot of Mount Kinabalu, we passed through Kundasang village and stopped at the market along the highway.  We arrived at our guest house in the afternoon and enjoyed relaxing on the porch.