HomeHawaiiMaunawili Falls


Maunawili Falls — 6 Comments

  1. Oooh, that is really muddy! I did that hike many years ago. Fun hike. I chickened out though and didn’t climb up on the rocks to jump in and didn’t swim either.

    Beautiful photos!

    I was bummed when I woke up to see a cloudy day for you. It was even raining at my house when I woke up. Hopefully the weather report will be correct the rest of the week and you will have sunny weather all week.

  2. Hi Marta, paradise looks beautiful even on cloudy days. Wonderful photos. I’m glad to read that you are both enjoying yourselves. The views along the trails, the water falls and beach looks so beautiful!

    Thanks for taking the time to share. Keep on enjoying yourselves.

  3. Marta, wonderful wonderful photos…creates a mood and a feeling of Hawaii that I rarely know. Love it and looks like you are having a great trip. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh, how lovely. Must get to Hawaii some day.

    Hate hiking in mud–that’s how I did in my knee over the summer. One good twisting fall was all it took!

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