HomeSeattleWild Mushroom Show


Wild Mushroom Show — 4 Comments

  1. Larry’s father used to go foraging in the Catskills. He had secret spots for chantrelles. Sadly, my MIL always cooked them in some mysterious way that left them rubbery and slimy at the same time. It wasn’t until much later that I discovered how good chantrelles could be!

  2. Love this post! I would love to go to a show like that. I photographed a bunch of mushrooms recently. After the torrential Hurricane Hanna rains, I had literally hundreds of shrooms in my yard. I had that first beautiful caramel colored “very poisonous” one that you posted! I also had a star shaped one but it was closer to black.

    Do you have a recommendation for a guidebook? I’d love to be able to ID some of the ones I found.

  3. Annie – a good book is “North American Mushrooms – A Field Guide to edible and inedible mushrooms” by Orson Miller. It is a Falcon Guild. We have a copy that we bought back in the ’70s and it is great.

  4. Thank you! I’m going to go look for it on Amazon right now. I’m not brave enough to actually eat any that I find on my own, but I would like to know more about them overall.

    A friend of mine used to hunt morels in the forests here in NC and then sold them to a French restaurant. She made a lot of money doing that!

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