Tag Archives: Borneo
Nepenthes Trail at Mesilau Mt. Kinabalu
This is the sixth in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 16 The Rajah Nepenthes – the largest pitcher plant is endemic to Mt. Kinabalu. It was one of the must-sees on our list. … Continue reading →
Flora on Mesilau Trail – Mt Kinabalu
Rhododendron stenophyllum This is the fifth in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 15 We saw a wide array of amazing plants along the trail at Mesilau. Here are some more plants that we … Continue reading →
Dayhiking on the Mesilau Trail at Mount Kinabalu
Mount Kinabalu This is the fourth in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 15 The morning was brilliant blue and crisp. The wind had come through at night and blown all the clouds away. … Continue reading →
Driving in Sabah
Kundasang This is the third in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 14, 2009 Anxiety runs in my family. I was not afraid to drive in Sabah but I was very anxious about having … Continue reading →
Filipino BBQ at Night Market in Kota Kinabalu
Seller at the Filipino BBQ This is the second in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 12, 2009 We are always surprised at how draining the heat and humidity can be. We took advantage … Continue reading →
Arrival in Kota Kinabalu
This is the first in a series of more in-depth posts on our trip to Borneo. February 12, 2009 South China Seas. I can not hear that name without thinking of the Vietnam War. My brother-in-law served in the Navy … Continue reading →