Sowing Seeds for 2013 Vegetable Garden

It is time to start a vegetable garden. G wanted to take last year off so we only planted a few peas and tomatoes. But after a year off, he is back enthusiastic about the vegetables.
He started some seeds yesterday. First up are Super Sugar Snap Peas, a couple of plants of Lettuce and a couple of plants of Swiss Chard. For lettuce, we are doing our old reliable varieties; Nevada – a green leaf variety that is slow to bolt with huge heads and Sunset, a red left variety that is also a good producer. For Swiss Chard, it is Bright Lights.
The pea trellises went up today also. We usually do not put the tomatoes out until after Memorial Day so we’ll start those later. I’m not certain what varieties are on tap for this year. There will also be the usual selection of bush and poll green beans, zucchini, a pepper, beets and carrots.
I’m hoping for a good spring although the forecast is for another cool gray long spring.

If you are wondering what is in the background – they are lithops also known as living stones
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