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Return to Camping — 7 Comments

  1. That is a very cool tent! I can’t believe you went camping over night on a first date! Good think G was a catch 🙂 I thought that was a rat for a second when scrolling down. Cute squirrel. Amazing that you were able to get that photo.

  2. I agree – so much better than TV! My family did a lot of camping when I was a kid. I haven’t been in many years – this makes me want to do it again.

  3. Hi Marta, very nice post. I think your new tent looks great. That’s a fun story about your first date being on a camping trip. I think one can really get to know a person on a camping trip, no distrations. I know what you mean about sleeping on the hard ground. The last time I went camping I slept on this foam thing I bought from REI and my friend had an inflatable bed. She slept well… 🙂 Your little visitor is cute.

    Yosemite is beautiful. I look forward to reading about your future camping trips. Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. Great post, Marda. I was going to say you are truly a trailblazer. I gave up camping after a cross-country trip in a pup tent! I’m all for comfort and bug-free these days. BUT – the landscape in your photos is so worth it — I may concede. Love your tent. m

  5. Love it. The right tent can make or break a camping trip, can’t it? We also did a lot of camping years ago–as a matter of fact, one trip resulted in a bouncing baby nine months later *grin* We’re joining my sister on a camping weekend on the Cape in August, so I need to see what shape the equipment is in. And probably invest in better pads for our aging bodies!

  6. Hi Marta, I’m catching up after a 10 camping trip in the Northern Territory. I was glad to see that you have a new tent and are camping again. Can’t wait to read all about your adventures. We’ve been using a small chepo portable stove that runs on disposable canisters of butane. The stove has its own briefcase like carry bag. I’m not sure if they have them in the US, but we are happy with the one we got here. We are thinking about upgrading our mats. I’ve done some browsing, and it seems like there are lots of options out there. I’ve thought about a cot for when we car camp since I’m worried about snakes. But need something more portable for when we fly to our camping destination.

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