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PhotoHunt: Triangle — 18 Comments

  1. Hi Marta, that’s a cool looking chime and a great choice for this week’s photohunt theme. I also love that little butterfly too!

    Happy Easter to you too!

  2. That’s neat! I have something like that and remember the yellow jackets or wasps got up inside to build nests-so be careful!

    Marta’s Reply – Thanks for the warning – we have those also. They like to build in our greenhouse. Fortunately – my husband doesn’t have any allergies to bites – they have gotten him a couple of times.

  3. Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photo too!

    I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.

    Mine’s up and ready…come on over!

  4. Those chimes look far nicer than ours. They are huge and can be heard throughout the neighbourhood on a windy day. We laugh that one day we will come home and find that they have been ‘chime-napped’!

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