HomeGardeningPhotoHunt: Plastic


PhotoHunt: Plastic — 14 Comments

  1. We have certainly given in to the convenience of plastic and now with the economy so bad, if we make a push to get rid of plastic and other polluting things, we will end up costing many people their jobs and making the economy worse… no matter what some say.

    Wouldn’t another nursery like these? I have always wondered what the recycling places do with the plastic… I understand that they now make some carpets from either plastic or rubber…. it would be simpler to take them back to the nursery for reuse.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Marta’s reply: Some nurseries will take them but many want a specific size and shape so they fit into racks and trays. The nursery may also get their plant material already potted up versus using paying the labor to pot. That is why this type of plastic is hard to recycle or give away.

  2. Wow, that IS allot of plastic pots…I never thought to myself, where do the old pots go…but I only buy between 6-10seedlings myself…so thats tiny little plastic. Great photo for the hunt word! My hunt is up please come and visit

  3. Hi Marta, great photo and selection for this week’s theme. I like the angle of your shot and as usual always so clear and crisp. Kudos to you on recycling.

    Hope you are enjoying your long weekend!

  4. Lots of pots! Does it bring back memories of all the lovely plants that they came with?

    Marta’s Reply: Hahahah… unfortunately about 1/2 of them came from friend who had finished re-landscaping her yard. We never were able to use them up. It would have been cool if they did bring back good memories. I’m just glad they are gone. 🙂

  5. Cool photo. I’ve started saving mine for a lady at my Farmer’s Market who put up a sign saying that she would take any and all plastic pots. I was glad to find a place to take them.

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