Photohunt: Free

This week’s Photohunt theme is free. You could interpret this week’s theme as a photo that shows ‘Free’. Or use it as a free week to post anything you want. I’ve chosen to do a free – post anything you want – interpretation.
One of our hobbies is searching for wildflowers. Another hobby of my husband is carnivorous plants. We blend the two together and occasionally search for carnivorous plants in the wild. We have gone to Borneo to find Nepenthes in the wild and we found cephalotus in Australia. But I realized I have not posted about some of the carnivorous plants that can be found here in Western United States.
The most unusual local carnivorous plant is Darlingtonia californica – or California Cobra Lily. It grows in a small region from around Florence Oregon down to Mt. Shasta region in California. There is an excellent wayside just outside of Florence Oregon where you can walk on a boardwalk above the swamp and view these strange but wonderful plants. They are carnivorous and get their nutrition (nitrogen) from the insects that happen to fall into their pitcher and can not escape. The windows you see on their hood trick the insects into thinking there are openings where there are none. Amazing adaptation.

Even before I learnt from your narrative that those pictured plants are carnivorous, had already got to thinking that they look like alien creatures… ;b
Carnivorous plants really seem to have their own personalities. That walk just outside of Florence Or is one of my favs.
Hi Marta, great theme choice for the week and beautiful photos. I can see why you are fascinated by these carnivorous plants. They are so interesting. And it is really amazaing how they trap the insects by faking little openings. Great choice. Have a great weekend.
How interesting, they truly look like aliens!!
Very interesting kind of plants. And they indeed shape like a cobra, too bad if insects go near them they will become a free lunch hehehe. Happy weekend!
great choice for this week! beautiful plant.
Those windows really are quite the adaptation.
I remember getting in trouble once, during a lecture in an outdoor education program back in high school…
The lecture was on carnivorous plants and there was a film presented. The bit on the Pitcher Plant showed a fly falling into the water in the plant. My friend and I got the giggles because it looked like a toilet. I still don’t know why we thought this was hilarious (I blame having been awake most of the night in our cabin and being giddy from lack of sleep…). Of course, the lecturer didn’t find it amusing one bit…
Cobra lily – isn’t that an oxymoron? Great creative take on the theme.
Lovely photos and interesting information 🙂
Great post and photographs for the themes. There are still a few places in my state (NC)where carnivorous plants grow in the wild but they have lost so much of their natural habitat with development, that I usually see them in our botanical gardens.
That is simply amazing! I didn’t know there were carnivorous plants in the US….figured they all came from “elsewhere”! Beautiful photos and a great idea for the theme!
Happy Weekend!
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The one in the first pic actually looks menacing!
Amazing photos! Cool plant. They really do look like aliens.