HomeHikingNaches Peak Loop Trail – Mt. Rainier


Naches Peak Loop Trail – Mt. Rainier — 9 Comments

  1. Loved your pictures. They really made me miss the Pacific Northwest. I have spent the last 5 summers (not counting the one you just had) in Oregon with my parents. We also miss having real mountains to hike-even some of the biggest peaks here in Australia seem like little hills to us.

  2. Hi Marta, happy belated Anniversary. What a wonderful tradition to follow. Your photos are really beautiful. Mt. Rainer in that first photo looks fabulous. Great photos especially the last one!

    Thank you so much for sharing information and photos of this very beautiful trail.

  3. Marta, Happy Happy Anniversary. This is a wonderful way for you two to celebrate…so YOU and so wonderful. The photos at least some of them remind me of Switzerland. What also came to mind was the Now and Then photos you posted of you and your husband. There’s something so meaningful and sweet about this kind of longevity in a relationship…truly a nice friendship and beyond that you both share. Again Happy Anniversary.

  4. This is one of my favorite hikes! Next weekend is our yearly attempt to do it an night, near the full moon. If the weather is clear, the full moon is like a monstrous flashlight shining on Mt Rainier! It’s a sight unequaled.

  5. Teri – That sounds wonderful.

    We have done it during a full moon before also. It is so exposed especially on the east side – it makes it very easy to hike via moon light. Plus the harvest moon is gorgeous as it rises to the east.

    We also did this hike when there was a full eclipse of the moon which makes it very special.

    I’m glad you reminded me of doing it in the moonlight. Have a great hike.

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