Garden 2013 Update 9

This has been a warm dry year. Everything has done well… if it has gotten water. We just can not keep up watering especially since we do not have anything on drip. G spends about 2-3 hours watering almost everyday. The vegetables definitely are getting watered everyday. They seem to be drying out fast in the pots. Some of the areas look absolutely horrible. But the fall bloomers are starting to come on strong especially the Salvias. We still have a lot of Salvias from when G sold at the local plant sales as ‘Smartyplants’.
We have been harvesting lots of tomatoes. I canned my first batch today. The zucchini is starting to finish. We have harvested the potatoes. The two yellow ones – yukon gold and satina did well. Carmine the red variety – so-so. But not too bad for first time and a 20 gallon pot. We are a little disappointed with the green beans. I think it got too hot. The bush beans were great. The Goldmarie Romanos – some good some tough. But the Blue Lake pole beans – another year of tough tough beans. Maybe now that it is a little cooler they will be better. We haven’t had gone pole beans in 3 years.
Here’s a few photos of around the yard,

Zucchini is finally starting to finish
Some huge tomatoes on the Oregon Star
The peppers have done extremely well – these are Gypsy peppers
Nice harvest of Siletz tomatoes
Salvia – unknown species from Szechuan China
Crocosmia Solfatare and Severn Seas
The horrible dry front area – it faces south and gets really hot.
Cotinus ‘Golden Spirit’ and Cordaderia richardii – they take the heat a bit better but look how washed out the yellow smoke tree is.
Garden 2013 Update 9 — No Comments