HomeMemoirsConfession of a Fussy Eater – Milk


Confession of a Fussy Eater – Milk — 6 Comments

  1. This is a great topic, Marta! I always drank milk, although I always wanted “storebought” milk rather than the milk from our own cows. When I was very young and my grandmother still lived on the ranch, we had homemade butter, which I can still remember as being TOTALLY delicious. (After that, we had margarine, like everyone else.)

    We had cheese, but it was always plain yellow cheddar cheese. I loved to have lunch at a friend’s house because her mother always made us Velveeta and Miracle Whip sandwiches on white bread. (Gag!) I’ve outgrown that.

  2. Great post. I definitely eat much better and healthier than I did when I was a kid. We ate lots of canned veggies and convenience foods. The first time I had fresh asparagus (as an adult) was such a revelation; I never liked it because I’d only had the mushy canned stuff.

    They made me drink milk when I was a kid and I hated it! I still don’t like it that much. I do love cheese though and that’s another revelation…there are so many kinds other than the American slices I grew up eating.

  3. Chris – it must have been great growing up and having your own cow. And homemade butter – that sounds so good. Isn’t it funny how growing up we always wanted something the other kids had – like store bought milk.

    Annie – How could I forget Kraft slices for cheese! I forgot that was the one cheese my dad would eat so we had it around the house. We would sometimes make grilled cheese or cheese and ham sandwiches with it. I have to confess – I still use it occasionally on cheeseburgers. It is probably a comfort food for me. Fortunately, no Velveeta in our house.

  4. It IS a comfort food, I think. I never buy those slices but occasionally have some when I’m babysitting at the nephews’ house (they love grilled cheese sandwiches made with them). It really does melt so well.

  5. Great blog post! When I was little I loved milk. We used to have our milk delivered in the bottles and left on our doorstep. One day, when I was about 5 or 6, I went outside to get the milk. I opened a bottle and took a big sip. It was sour and curdled. YUCK!!! I have never drank milk since that day. I do eat all other milk products, just no plain milk or chocolate milk as a drink.

    My dad hates butter so we never had anything cooked in butter. My mom made all desserts with crisco. Now that I know what crisco is… YUCK but the desserts were delicious. We did use butter to put on potatoes, corn on the cob, etc.

    We had a lot of cheese also in our house growing up. Good cheeses and also that Kraft cheese. I used to have Kraft cheese and bologna sandwiches when growing up and we ate a lot of canned veggies and canned beans growing up. I never really liked vegetables much when and hated beans. I now love fresh vegetables and am now just learning to like some types of beans.

    This post brings back a lot of memories!

  6. I completely forgot about milk deliveries. We never did milk deliveries but one of our neighbors did. They had a little tin box on the backyard where the milk was delivered.

    Soured milk would definitely make me not want to drink milk. I wonder if they ever had sour milk especially in the summer when it was hot in California.

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