Wallace Falls

We wanted to get out on the trail but didn’t really want to go very far. Wallace Falls is a state park just outside of the town of Gold Bar on the way to Stevens Pass. It took about 1 hour to get from door to trail head.
The trail starts along a powerline right way. At the end is a gorgeous view of Mt. Index. The trail turns inland and drops down to the river. It is dark and damp – full of drippy moss. The river was roaring. After crossing a couple of side streams, the trail starts to climb. After a bit, there is a shelter and lower falls. This is your first view of the middle falls. The middle falls drops 265 feet. The trail continues to climb until it comes to the middle falls viewpoint. But don’t stop here. Continue up to the top of the middle falls where there is a great overview of Skykomish valley. It is about 2 miles from the trail head and 1,000ft elevation. You can continue on for another half mile to the upper falls but we decided to turn around. It took us about 3 hours to do the 4 miles round trip. Nice easy trail for a winter hike.

Trailhead map
Mt Index from under the power lines
Knowing your love of hiking and the great outdoors and this luciously attractive beckoning landscape – are they reasons you moved to this part of the country?
Partially. We grew up in California and there is some great hiking there also. We came up on a family camping trip before we were married. G decided he wanted to go to school at UW so we moved up here. The hiking and outdoors was a great plus – but it has kept us here.
We have thought of moving back to Cali – house prices keep us here in the PNW.
Oh wow, what wonderful sights there are along this hike. The main Wallace Falls is spectacular but I like your mossy forest shots too, Marta. 🙂
Nice that they warn you that falling can be deadly! Similar to the warning they keep broadcasting when we are under a flash flood warning – “turn around, don’t drown”.
Great photos. Love the ones of all the trees. Looks like a cool place to visit.
Simply spectacular scenery.