Vegetable Garden Update

Peas are up! So is the swiss chard. Lettuce is a little slow yet. Tomatoes seeds are planted Peas will be going outside soon.
We are growing potatoes this year. It is the first time in many many years. I wanted to give them a try and G had some extra pots. We are growing three varieties; yukon gold (early), Satina – another yellow fleshed potato that is supposed to be mid-season, and Carmine which is a later red. We’ll see how they do.
Tomatoes have been seeded. This year we are growing Stupice, Sungold cherry, Taxi, Oregon Star, Siletz and trying Early Girl for a change. We also seeded some lacinato kale. And we did a new herb pot. Costco has a great deal on large plastic pots. Our previous terra cotta pot has chipped up by the cold winter and the thyme is real ratty. So out it went and we bought all new.

Herb Pot
Our banana – Musa basjoo – which is hardy did really well this winter. Also note we cut down a huge evergreen Magnolia behind the house. It was shading our backyard too much. You’ll see it above the chimney in the next picture.
The banana in full glory. The magnolia had gotten huge behind the house. It was about 20 years old. It was sad to see it go but it was for the best.
Marta, thanks for the garden update! You guys are so impressive. I am looking forward to updates throughout the season.