Vegetable Garden 2011 – #4

I has been a month since I updated what is happenin’ in the vegetable garden. It is very interesting to see how the vegetables are reacting to the weather. We have had a lot more gray days but the night temps have been above 50 degrees.
The tomatoes have been marching right along and our cool weather hybrids have paid off. We already have a couple of ripe tomatoes from the Stupice. It actually beat out the sun gold for ripening. They continue to put on more fruit and a couple of nice warm days may push more to the ripen. But the majority of the crop will be late as expected.
We moved the zucchini out front to get more heat and they have started producing like gang busters. I cut three off today and there are a couple more that could have come off. We can’t turn our backs on them now or else we’ll have zucchinis the size of baseball bats.
The peas in our new bed have done extremely well even with the late start. It is pretty strange to have tomatoes and zucchinis ripening at the same time as the peas. If it stays cool which it probably will we should have the peas for another good week or two.
The Swiss Chard has done really well. No leaf miners and the four plants have taken over the bed. I’ve given up trying to keep up but happy with the crop.
We’ve harvested one crop of lettuce and we have two more in. We’ll see how they do. We lost one batch of starts so we weren’t able to keep them coming.
The beans are way behind. We had a couple of sets that didn’t germinate and we finally have them coming up. The bush beans are starting to flower. I’m disappointed that we didn’t have any Maxibel left and we didn’t want to order any. G was able to get a similar variety called Nickels which we have grown in the past. We’ll see how they do. The two romano beans are climbing well and starting to blossom. I’m really surprised that the Blue Lakes are taking so long to get going. They are still pretty sparse on the trellis.
We also have beets and carrots coming along. The garden is ready for the dog days of summer.

Tomatoes coming along fine
Bean Trellises – notice they are kinda sparse
Blossoms on Nickels Bush Beans
Bumper crop of Sugar Snap Peas
These went into a Pesto Pasta Salad today
Hi Marta!
I have major tomato envy! We are just up the road (so to speak) and haven’t seen any fruit at all. I am impressed!
Lovely garden,