PhotoHunt: Sad
Sheep carcass in a farmer’s field near Nieuwoudtville in South Africa
This week’s Photohunt theme is sad. I remember when we came across this carcass. We were in Nieuwoudtville in the Western Cape region of South Africa. We were there for the Spring wildflower bloom. The Bokkeveld Plateau where it is located is rich in bulbs and veld wildflowers.
There was a hot dry desiccating wind blowing. We had finish a wonderful tour given by conservationist and farmer Neil MacGregor. He gave us directions to a farmer’s field that was still in bloom.
Our car bumped along the red dry dirt. The field before us was covered in yellow and orange blooms richly contrasting against the red soil. We stopped and started to walk among the flowers. Shortly we came across this carcass of a new born lamb. It was so bittersweet and sad. Here among the beautiful flowering spring flowers was evidence of death and the circle of life. Rebirth and death in the Spring. The lamb was left where it died to give back to the earth.
Some people may find this photo startling but we found it very interesting and life affirming.
Here are two more photos of the field

I love how the photos following the poor lamb and your text put it all into perspective. Well done!
Incredible flowers. 🙂
This is a wonderful and thought-provoking look at this theme. It seems that sadness and beauty are often so interwoven just as they are in these photos. Thank and have a nice weekend.
It must have been sad coming across the baby lamb carcass. I also like the way you tied it into new life. Beautiful fields of flowers.
Wow, Marta. That is a powerful picture. What happened, do you think? Was it still born? Did Mama fall victim to a predator and baby died of starvation?
Marta: Deborah – I think it was probably stillborn. It was a well run farm so I didn’t think of a predator. Possible but I still think it was still born.
I guess that’s nature riding out its process.
I’m one of those that at first sight, found the picture of the baby lamb startling and very sad but your words made me look at it from a different perspective. Thank you for this thought-provoking post.
Hard to not feel a sense of sadness when looking at a life gone…yet the blooming flowers remind you that life goes on. Great shot!
Hi Marta, it was startling to see the sheep carcass at first, and then as I read your comments and saw your beautiful field of flowers photos you really tied the whole theme and concept of the natural cycle of life together so well.
Awesome post!
the baby lamb carcass -> sad