March at the Ballard Farmers Market

Root crops and cabbage from Nash Organics
Seattle has great Farmers Markets. Typically I like to do most of my farmers market shopping on Saturday so I usually go to the University Farmers Market or my local Edmonds Garden Market. But most are closed in the winter including the Edmonds Garden Market. It will be reopening soon – May 7th.
Sunday is another good day with two other great markets; West Seattle and Ballard Farmers Market. The Ballard Market is one of the best – if not the best Farmers Market in Seattle. It has a wonderful selection of vendors selling produce, fish, meat, eggs, wine, cider, cheese, soaps, jam – everything you would want and a good selection of street food.
But we always seems to have something else to do on Sunday since it is now the one day we have off together (sigh… the life of being employed again). I had to work a late shift this Sunday to cover for my co-worker in Australia. It was not raining so I thought lets go check out the Ballard Market. I’ve been wanting to see what is being sold right now and it would be an easy morning trip.
Wow – was it cold. We didn’t expect the strong cold biting March wind – but the sun was out. There were lots of vendor with an interesting mix of items. Produce – not a lot of variety. It was mainly root crops, cabbage and kale. I almost bought some different types of turnips and rutabagas but G wasn’t too interested. Lots of families and activity. It was definitely a fun visit and good winter market.
On the drive back home, we decided to go along the water and stopped at Golden Gardens Park. The water on the Sound was covered with whitecaps from the blustery wind but the cold did not stop the kite surfers. They were out in numbers sailing back and forth along the shore. It was fun to see them flip and do arials to turn and tack in the wind. We did not want to get out of the car so we only did a short walk along the path but we were able to observe a flock of Brandt Geese coming ashore along the rocks. They are such cool geese in their black coats and neck rings.
Overall a fun but cold almost Spring morning.

Cape Cleare Fishery – they bring their fish to market by bike – see the bike trailer to carry the frozen fish
Sea Breeze Farm on Vashon – hand butchered pigs. Very Euro
Growing Things Farm – Carnation
Street scene at the Ballard Farmers Market
Buskers at the Ballard Farmers Market
Along the shore at Golden Garden – just north of Shilshole Marina
Great beach and picnic area at Golden Gardens
Even the Brandt Geese love the beach
But it is especially favorite of the kite board surfers – one of the best places for Kite and Wind surfers
Looks like a great Market. One thing I am missing from Adelaide is the great market.