Intermediate 1
Yippee! I really didn’t want to have to take Beginning French again. I was ready to accept advanced beginners but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I made it to the intermediate class. I am in intermediate 1 – one of 4 intermediate levels.
After breakfast, the director announced our teachers. I am so happy with my teacher. It is the woman who did my oral test and she is so nice. And she is also an excellent teacher. There are 10 students in my class; 5 Americans, 2 Swiss, 2 English and 1 Japanese. We are all at similar levels which is good.
We began the class by introducing ourselves in French, saying what our nationality is, where we live, if we are married and what we like to do. We quickly move into a bit of grammar – Les articles. The time goes fast and soon it is time for lunch. Today, we ate with the teacher and she helped us to make conversation.
After lunch was the practical session. We gather together with the intermediate 2 class and practiced items that we would find useful. We broke up into pairs and got to know another person by asking questions in French. Then a few people volunteered to introduced their partner to the whole group. I got brave and did it. Yes, in front of the class. Speaking in front of group terrifies me but I felt if I don’t try – I’m never going to learn.
In the afternoon session, we repeated the concepts that we had been using all day – asking a few questions, explaining what we like, where we live and our nationality.
Finally it was time for the afternoon tea and the end of classes.
I walked back up to my apartment and realized how nervous I was. I was still shaking. It took about 15 minutes and a glass of wine to calm my nerves.
But I had a treat for my end of my first day. Our good friends from San Francisco are spending a week in Cannes and we were going to go to dinner. I had my fingers crossed that they were going to be able to find my apartment especially coming from the Corniche basse. Google gave them directions that way. I thought it would be easier to go via the Corniche Moyenne (middle).
The streets in Villefranche are extremely narrow. Many are one way with high stone walls. In some places, there is barely space for a car. The streets also go so far and you have to turn onto another street to continue going the same way.
My friends called just about at 5:30 and they were almost at my apartment. They found it! It was challenging even with GPS. We headed off to town to eat at the Wharf. I thought I knew the way but ended up going the wrong way. But we finally made it and there were places in the publich parking lot.
We sat at bar along the wharf with a glass of champagne flavored with a local peach liquor. Yummm. Similar to a Bellini. Soon it was time for dinner. The sun was turning the houses amber. The lights slowly started to twinkle. But best of all was good conversation with good friends – in English.
Hey Marta!
Congrats on the intermediate placement — brushing up on your French paid off!
Hope you’re taking lots of pics with your camera — I had a fun weekend with mine! Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi Kathy,
Thanks! I’m glad that the camera is working out. I’ve been taking loads of pictures and I hope they will let me attach my portable disc at the internet cafe. If so, I’ll post some pictures this weekend.
– Marta