Greenlake blossoms

After visiting the Ballard Market and the Locks, we headed to Greenlake. We have been trying to walk daily since I spend most of my time sitting at the computer. It has been hard to get back into a routine since I have switched back to working 10-6pm. It was fine the first week but daylight savings really disrupted us.
We usually walk at the Edmonds waterfront or Richmond Beach. It takes about 1 hour to drive to the Marina, walk the 1.5 miles and return home. I need a little time to eat before starting work so we usually are heading out around 7:45. It is dark again!
On the weekend, we’ll try to do something longer. We decided to walk around Greenlake since we were already there. It is a great place for a 3 mile walk. We were checking out the plants along the way. There were several large plantings of daffodils under some of the trees that were in full bloom. But our favorite discovery was a spring garden planted next to the Bathhouse. We had never noticed it before. Large plantings of Hellebores but what really surprised us were the three paper bushes – Edgeworthia chrysantha. We used to have one but it never really did very well. The blossoms would usually die before opening due to a late freeze in mid Marsh. These were thriving and in full bloom. Such a nice surprise to find.

Garden near the Bathhouse – Corylopsis spicata
Everything looks so nice and GREEN! Here in Oklahoma the grass is still brown. I like your flower images. I haven’t seen these varieties in my part of the country. They’re very pretty.