Garden 2013 Update 7

Tomatoes new home
The vegetable garden is doing great. This is an amazing summer. Very little rain in the past 3 weeks and lots of sun. It has not been too hot – the nights are a little mild so that is probably why we only have two ripe stupice tomatoes. But we have been eating lots of zucchini, our first cucumber. lots of peas, lots of lettuce and soon green beans.
We did have to move the tomatoes and peppers to the backyard. We are going to have our house re-roofed and G wanted to move them before they got too big. Hopefully everything will ripen as well.

Doesn’t it look so different from 7 weeks ago at the beginning of June?
Your garden looks heavenly! I was going to plant a few things in my garden bed when I returned from Italy in May (I share 1 of 3 in my backyard with my neighbors) but never got “around to it” . My neighbor had planted a few things in it anyway (after digging out my eccenachia flowers not knowing they were there..grrrr). So she has a few things growing in her 2 beds, but nothing like yours!
Maybe in the Fall I will plant a few flower bulbs.
I’m better at growing herbs in pots in my screened in porch. 🙂
Enjoy your vegetable bounty!
Everything looks great! I love the look of the patio area, surrounded by the tomatoes. I think I could spend a lot of time in that Adirondack chair!
Wow, what a difference 7 weeks made! This time of the year is heavenly! Your veggies look great!