Garden 2013 Update 4

Meconopsis ‘Lingholm’
Things are coming along very well in the garden. The main flower garden starts its spring glory right around Mother’s Day on into the first week of June. Everything is right on time this year. I don’t see much from last year in my archives but I found 2011. Everything was late. This post from June 9th 2011 – and our garden is already where it was after the first week in June in 2011. This bods well for tomatoes.
Here are some shots of today’s garden.
In the Veggie garden
The first crop of lettuce is coming along well – as are the peas, chard and kale. The red potatoes are going gang busters and the yukon golds are finally – finally coming along.
We’ll harvest a head or two this week or next.
The tomatoes are still in the greenhouse. We have repotted them a couple of times and they are in gallon pots. They are about a foot high and some have blossoms ready to open. We’ll probably wait another week (Memorial Day) to plant outside.
We also started our ‘warm’ vegetables on May 9th. The beans, squash and cucumber have sprouted. Corn – a new entry in our garden – has yet to sprout.
Elsewhere in the garden – I’m waiting for our peonies to open. The side bed and banana are looking great. A few special blooms – the Mecenopsis is in bloom as is the Ixia in the greenhouse. The front porch with the tropics looks great. The Chilean Fire Bush made it through the winter but only has one blossom. Let’s hope it gains some strenght.
The side bed is leafing out nicely with lots of different colors and textures.
Tender tropics such as Protea Safari Sunset and Crinodendron hookerianum
And two unusual blooms in the greenhouse
Ixia virdiflora from South Africa
Our Echium wildpretii is blooming but did not develop a spike like last year. We don’t think it was broken. We didn’t think it was going to bloom but it just started these short spikes.
But compare it with last year mid-May – It got above the roof!
Yay, a garden update! I love it!
The Ixia, never have seen or heard of that before. I just want to get lost in that turquoise gorgeousness.