Frozen day in Edmonds

We are current in a deep freeze. These happen rarely here in the Pacific Northwest but when they do, they are always difficult. The temperatures dropped Saturday night and it started snowing. Sunday was cold and eventually the sun came out. But it never warmed up.
And then the sun went down and the temperatures plunged into the teens. Last night it was a low of around 15 degrees. A few of G’s plants got freezer burn even in the greenhouse. Tonight he is running an extra heater to protect them.
I went for a walk down along the shore on Sunset Drive. My god was it cold. The wind was coming strong from the North. The sound was covered by white caps. My cheeks were stung and burned by the crisp north wind.
The sun is down and stars are out. It is not a good sign. That means another hard freeze tonight. It is already 22 degrees at 7:30pm. Brrrrr… And the forecast is for snow and more cold the rest of the week.

White caps on the sound – Mt. Baker in the distance.
Hi Marta,
We did a very quick trip to Seattle last weekend for our Vashon hostess’s “big birthday” party. So I commiserate about the cold. We did enjoy waking up to a white winter wonderland on Sunday. Could be that’s because we didn’t have to worry about OUR plants freezing. But now we have a freeze warning tonight…
I feel for you Marta. Cold in Washington is really cold the way it goes right through your bones. I hope your plants survive.