Another great Fall walk

Another break in the weather. The clouds cleared off and sun came out. I went for a walk again using the same route. It is an excellent workout with just the right amount of uphill, downhill and level. It continues to take me about 1 1/2 hours to do four miles. Not great but it will do.

Heading downhill – I will walk all the way to the waterfront below the building in the center
House all decorated for Halloween
Olympic Beach – a different angle – I do like the previous shot better
End of the Marina – The beautiful Puget Sound – time to head back to the car
Love the Halloween graveyard shots! The water is so calm. Looks like it was a beautiful day.
Our daughter found this and put the link on myFaceBook.. WHAT FUN!! This is our front yard.. so glad you enjoyed the FUN!! We always had a good time making the summer garden plot into the cemetery in the Autumn.. thank you for your appreciation 🙂
Sharon and Terry Dalton
Thanks for posting this!!I was doing a google image search for Edmonds fall pics and found this. This is my parent’s home and my mom hasn’t felt as much like decorating recently- a neighbor friend of hers who appreciated it so much passed away and she just wasn’t enjoying it as much. I shared this with her on facebook and wanted to tell you that seeing the photos you took meant a lot to her. And to me : )I think she feels ‘the spirit’ again!
Appreciating Your Travels in Edmonds
Sharon and Deana, I am so happy that you found the pictures and they brought back memories. I have driven and walked by from time to time since we walk at the marina and wondered about the decorations. I love the area.